Friday, July 27, 2007

July 20th OTWG Meeting Wrap Up

Attendants: Richard Stuebi, Dale Arnold, Steve Millett, Andrew Bremer, Michael Jung, Jerry Leanderson, Scott Miller, & Gene Krebs.

Not in Attendance: Neil Drobny, Jim Coleman, Jack Shaner

Clean Fuels Ohio has developed the online blog for the Ohio Transportation Working Group located at which is used as a forum to comment on the activities the group is undertaking. This tool will soon evolve into a full website to be used as a media/public relations tool.

New Members:
Jerry Leanderson - Fleet Account Executive, General Motors
Stephen Millett, Ph.D. – Founder, Futuring Associates, LLC
Andrew Bremer – Executive Director, All Aboard Ohio

Activities & Next Steps:
During the meeting the group discussed the Project Focus Question, Mission, and Scope . It was decided that members should provide comment and insight on the draft statements (see below)which will be finalized at the next meeting.

Please provide your availability for the next meeting via the survey link below. The meeting will be held at the Clean Fuels Ohio offices located in the OSU Center for Automotive Research at 930 Kinnear Rd in Columbus.
Please submit your availability by close of business August 1, 2007. The meeting will be set on August 2nd and you shall be notified as such.

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