Friday, July 27, 2007

Ohio Transportation Working Group Mission Statement

Draft Mission Statement:

To provide Ohio policy makers with several possible scenarios of Ohio’s transportation sector, environment and economy in the year 2030. Then, to present policy makers with the scenario that will achieve the greatest aggregate benefit for all Ohioans. For our purposes, the factors considered in determining which case will provide the “greatest benefit to Ohioans” are, job creation and economic benefit to the state, reduction of petroleum based fuel consumption, regional air quality improvement, reduction of climate change emissions, and the lessening of other negative environmental impacts in the transportation sector.

Please provide remarks, changes or suggestions by adding a comment.


Richard T. Stuebi said...

I would also include "quality of life for Ohio citizens" as a factor of concern.

How to measure quality of life is obviously critical. But, we can't worry about reduced oil consumption and reduced emissions (and other good things) if the average Ohioan thinks that their life worsens considerably.

Anonymous said...

I'd recommend a very succinct version of this statement as an opening line: "To inform Ohio policy makers about key trends and critical considerations related to the state's transportation sector." Then move on to "We will accomplish this by..." and reorganize the existing text into successive bullets.