Friday, August 24, 2007

OTWG August Meeting Wrap-Up

August 17th, 2007 OTWG Meeting Wrap-Up

Attendants: Jim Coleman, Neil Drobny, Steve Stolte, & Scott Miller

New Member: Introduction of Steve Stolte, Union County Engineer. Steve will provide the group with a presentation about the funding structure of ODOT at the next OTWG meeting.

Defining the Scope: We are still using the year 2030, but we are also going to look longer term to the year 2050 to encompass even more changes in infrastructure and technology.

Futuring Exercise: Started by brainstorming important and uncertain aspects of transportation in the year 2030 and beyond:

Carbon Regime

- possible effects of global warming on transportation

Resource Supply/Availability (geoeconomic factors)

- cost, peak oil (and other non-renewable resources)

Cost and practicality of developing new technology

Population demographics

- attitudes, also geographic distribution

Transportation on the state level

- tax structure

Infrastructure capacity maintenance/improvements

- changes in financial markets

Technological Advancements

- vehicle designs, etc.

Next, we chose the main points from the brainstorm and ranked them on their levels of importance and uncertainty across an X & Y axis. The 4 factors we chose as most important/uncertain were:

Carbon Regime

Resource Availabilty

Population Demographics (attitudes, acceptance of change)

Technological Advancements

The next meeting will be held on Friday September 28th at 11:00 am at the Center for Automotive Research. Looking forward to seeing you all there!

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