Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Ohio Transportation Working Group Future Scenarios Workshop

OTWG Futuring Workshop
October 25, 2007
Location: Ohio Department of Development
24th Floor, Verne Riffe Building
77 S. High St. · Columbus, OH 43215
10 am – 4pm

The futuring workshop will be held to guide the project in producing a policy framework for Ohio Policymakers for the future prosperity of the transportation sector and the state. We hope to assemble a number of people with diverse backgrounds and experiences in order to add credibility and reality to the futuring process.

The draft schedule for the Futuring Workshop is as follows (subject to change):

9:30 – 10:00 Arrival and registration

10:00 – 10:15 Greeting and Introductions

10:15 – 10:20 Review of the topic question (see below)

10:20 – 11:30 Idea Generation: What are the most important and most uncertain issues/trends/factors relative to the topic question?

11:30 – 11:45 Structure of the scenario analysis and divide into four future scenarios working groups

11:45 – 1:15 Development of future scenarios within each scenarios group

**12 noon** LUNCH

1:15 – 1:45 Reports of future scenarios from each future scenarios group Populate and tag the four quadrants/scenarios

1:45 – 2:00 Quick brainstorming of unintended events or “black swans” and an examination of their impact on different scenarios

2:00 – 3:30 Discussion of policy implications for the state and other government entities for each scenario

3:30 – 4:00 Review, conclusions, wrap-up

Additional Activities

In addition to attending, all core group members are asked to provide one contact who would serve as an additional contributor to the Future Scenarios Workshop. Additional contributors should include those who either are in the energy or transportation field or have a strong interest in the subject. In order to have a broad diversity of opinions, feel free to suggest those who may have a different opinion than the larger group.

If you are unable to attend on November 8th, please designate an emissary either from your own organization or someone with similar convictions in addition to the additional attendee. Should you have any questions, please contact Clean Fuels Ohio by email at Info@CleanFuelsOhio.org.

September Meeting Notes

Ohio Transportation Working Group
September 28, 2007 Meeting Notes
OSU Center for Automotive Research
Retention of Steve Millett
Clean Fuels Ohio and the Cleveland Foundation have decided to retain Steve Millett of Futuring Associates, LLC to help with the development of the OTWG process and the futuring workshop.
Focus Question

How might we achieve and sustain prosperity while moving people and goods where needed in Ohio under future scenarios by 2030.

  • The focus question will be used to guide the futuring process during the workshop. Through the assistance of the Ohio Transportation Working Group and direct input of Clean Fuels Ohio and the Cleveland Foundation, we crafted this focus question to reflect the purpose and objective of the project.
  • Our efforts will focus on Ohio, but national and even international issues will come to play.
  • Definitions will probably need to be explained when confusion arises.
  • By focusing on future scenarios and the time period between the present and 2030, we will be able to adequately look forward enough to possibly show the impacts of certain trends. Additionally, the group could provide some insight on how to avoid major problems and steer the state towards prosperity through the transportation sector.

Future Timeline for the OTWG Process

- Conduct Futuring Workshop

- Report notes and actions items from the Workshop to the OTWG Core Group
- Review policy implication from the workshop and determine the direction of the policy items
- Conduct research related to the OTWG project and retrieve hard data related to the Ohio transportation sector

- Draft policy platform and present report to the Core Group

- Present information to key Ohio policymakers

Sam Spofforth & Nikos Kaplanov – Clean Fuels Ohio
Neil Drobny - Central Ohio Sustainability Alliance
Joel Ritter – Ohio’s Tomorrow
Michael Jung - Office of the Governor's Energy Advisor
Steve Millett - Futuring Associates, LLC
Jerry Leanderson – General Motors
Dale Arnold – Ohio Farm Bureau
Andrew Bremer – All Aboard Ohio
Scott Miller - Local Government/Rural Development Dept., Ohio University
Unable to Attend:
Greater Ohio
Richard Stuebi – Cleveland Foundation
Steve Stolte – Union County Engineer